Use a Stunning Splash Screen —
Don’t you wish your Launch Screen was as HOT as this?
Did you know ? Various studies have proved that an animated Splash screen registers your App in the users mind. An app with an impressive splash screen is opened by users more often. If your user wants to hire a car, your app should be the first to come to their mind!

colour schemes
To give your launch screen that most wanted minimalistic look.

with care
So, your app loading screen is light weight & launches like a breeze.

'Golden ratio
design principle'
is used to come up with these. It is also used by APPLE INC.
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Explainer Info-graphic.
Why this? You will not understand the power of this asset until you download it > Enter your Brand name > Upload it to Instagram, Pinterest :)
A hand drawn special explainer graphic, that puts a smile on the viewers face. Incentivises the viewer to checkout the link associated with it. Boosts your mobile app downloads like never before!
Just imagine, a person comes to your App Store page wowed by an infographic. He installs the app and is awestruck by the Splash screen followed by a caring walk through :) well this is called the first impression ….and its the best impression you can get for your ride hailing or car rental business.
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App Sound Pack
Why only please your users visually? Let your app also be remembered for the magical sounds it emits on each action your user takes. This is a pack of hand picked sounds for every critical event happening inside your app ie. Car is booked successfully, The ride has arrived for pickup, Reached destination etc.
Don’t forget that audio is the easiest way to reach your users hearts!
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A powerful landing page.
You sure need a website or a landing page for your ride hailing business. Well UBER and LYFT has one.
We have created a set of mesmerising landing pages that add high value to your car rental business. Just send your visitors to this page, and it will have all the information they need ( including links to the Play store and App Store ).
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Terms/Conditions , Privacy policy etc.
I don’t need to tell you the importance of this. What you are trying to run is a location based service that involves Drivers, passengers, vendors etc. This is a execution intrinsic business and you need a proper legal immunity incase anything goes wrong. We have taken the help of an attorney and carefully laid down a legal template that covers all critical sections that need to be addressed. You can save a lot of time and money by using this ready-made T&C template.
Note: As more apps hit the app stores, Apple and Google have started asking for the website and with the company’s Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, EULA etc. present on the website. This can speed up your App approval process.
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Stunning App icons
This is the icon that your user will tap to open your ride sharing app. How important is that?
Just open your phone and swipe through all the apps you have installed. Even if your user remembers the app, how easy is it going to be for him to find your app in all this clutter? The simple answer is an App icon thats stands out. Here is a set of App icons for you to choose from. Each one is cut to perfection, so it shines as the brightest star on your users phone.
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Jubilant Logo’s
Ok, we don’t need to talk much about this. You obviously need a logo for your vehicle rental business. You need it to furbish on your website, Business card, Social media pages, Documents etc.
Our designers have created a set of Logo’s to suite your business. Comes with the source PSD file so, you can make minor changes to bring in your business name.
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Cute Favicons.
I know this doesn’t matter much. But such small things can sometimes make a big impact. While many of your competitors may leave on this, it can leave an everlasting impression in certain people’s mind.
A simple favicon can draw the attention of a user, who has your website opened on another tab. ‘Attention to detail’ is the keyword here.
Time taken to create .
320 Hours ( 40 Days )
Original cost of creation .
Above $3000
You get it for,
Just $99
5 Splash Screens
1 App Walk Through Template.
5 Landing pages.
1 Explainer Info-graphic.
1 detailed T&C document.
1 App Sound pack: 6 audio clips
5 App launch icons
5 Favicon's
10 Logo's
What is the Refund policy?
If you feel you would need a refund, we are glad to provide 100% refund. You would need to shoot a mail to: with the reason. We will send back your payment within 48 hours.
How much did it cost to create this entire pack?
We have done our best to line up some of the most essential things that your Ride sharing -or- Car rental business would require. A lot of designers, developers, content creators have put in sincere efforts to give you the best. Believe it or not, the total cost till date to come up with this 'Business Essentials' pack has crossed $3000 ( 40 Days )
Will I receive also the source code / files for all these items?
Yes. You will also receive the respective source files, .ape files, document file, PSD files etc. So, you can make any changes to it.
What license I get to use this pack?
You can use it as many times you want for your self. But you cannot sell it to others or distribute in the manner we do. If you would want to use it for your customers, you will need to purchase a new copy from us for each customer you use it for. This will also help us to serve you better and keep adding more items for you. Overall it will help us keep this beautiful service live :)