Did you know that having an airport booking feature can benefit your drivers and your customers?
Segregating the requests that are meant to go to the airport can help you offer a fixed pricing for your customers, instead of having a per-mile fee that may cost them a lot.
You could also choose to compensate your drivers by having a different payout structure for airport rides, as they won’t be taking regular trip requests while they are on an airport trip, in some countries where the airports are located outside city limits, this feature would make a huge difference.
Other than that, in most of the cities, the road to the airport is riddled with numerous toll booths which causes an additional delay. With an airport booking feature, your customer can avoid all that and have a hassle-free ride.
Moreover, in order to pass through the toll booths, the passenger or the driver has to give the toll amount at all the toll booths before proceeding any further. By making use of airport booking feature, the customer can avoid those additional discrepancies as the smart fare estimator takes care of all the additional surcharges right before booking.
Apart from that, most of the taxi dispatch companies does not have a provision for scheduling a ride at a later time. As a potential business owner providing custom made booking available for commuting to the airport safely is an ambitious venture. This will open your company to a whole new segment that is still at an early stage and uncaptured.
Let us explore how can a customer book a taxi to the airport on the Nikola web portal in a step by step by manner.
Step 1: The customer enters the web URL and is taken to the web portal. On the web portal, there are three separate tabs for three different booking types. One is the city ride for scheduling a ride within the city limits.
The other one is the hourly rental feature, by which a customer can book a taxi on an hourly basis.
The last one is the airport ride facility which we shall be discussing in detail.
Step 2: If the customer is new, he has to register with the system first.
On the contrary, if he is a registered user he has to go to the login page and provide the login credentials to get started.
Step 3: After successfully signing into the system, the customer has to choose if he is booking a taxi to the airport or from the airport by clicking on the button that appears on the top. The fare and other details are automatically adjusted.
The customer has to enter the pickup location and the drop location to get the booking started.
The auto address completion feature shows suggestions as a drop-down menu. The auto-suggestion finds the most suitable match for the characters that are entered by the user.
Step 4: Next the customer has to select the vehicle of his choice from the third tab on the page also indicated as type.
Th drop-down menu shows all the available vehicles with price tags attached to them.
The customer has to pick the appropriate vehicle and right after that the complete fare price is projected below as a tabular format.
Step 5: If you closely observe the fare details table, in the first column the projected price for the package is displayed. Right next to it in the second column, you can find the distance in kilometers that comes bundled with the package.
With every package, there comes a flat price and distance bundled with it.
Step 6: Now that everything is done, the customer has to click the book now button to finish the booking.
Once the button is pressed, the system searches for the drivers that are present in nearby areas and a timer is set for 1 minute. If a driver rejects the request the request is automatically transferred to the next driver.
If no driver is available to take the request and the timer dies out then an appropriate message is displayed suggesting the user to try again later.
In the close proximity, if a driver has made himself available, the request appears on his app screen and the driver can choose to accept or reject the request.
If the driver chooses to accept the request the booking is confirmed.
Step 7: After the booking is made all the notifications appear accordingly on the driver’s app, right from the time the driver starts the journey till it ends.
All the steps are shown below with proper images.
Step 8: Now let us see how can a customer schedule the ride for a later time.
To book a ride the customer has to click on the book at a later date hyperlink present at the very bottom of the page.
On clicking the hyperlink a calendar opens where the customer can pick a suitable date and time and submit the response.
Once the response is submitted an entry is made in the scheduled ride column.
What is this Nikola Web Portal?
Nikola web portal is a comprehensive solution that allows the customer to book a ride right from his laptop or tablet pc. The customer can also track the booking and make the payment with integrated payment facility available on the web portal.
Why is Airport Booking feature needed?
With the help of this feature, a customer can book a ride to and from the airport to any part of the city. It is also possible to share the ride with a fellow passenger and schedule the ride for a later date.